How to Catch a Lie — Methods of Capturing a Lie
Lie… From time to time it has come to all of us, I wonder if they are lying to me, manipulating me, playing with my emotions, how can I understand that I have been lied to ? People may hide the facts of the bidet with tones of voice, gestures, body movements or even words of choice. Come on, how do people know they’re lying?
1. Lie Detection Technique: Use Your Eyes
People’s emotions are manifested by various behaviors. What we will pay attention to is the most important of the places where human emotions reflect and never change, our universal face. People can sometimes say they’re happy even if they’re sad, but it’s simple to see if it’s true. In order to become an expert in this business, it is necessary to have a certain time, to know the 7 main emotions and how it is reflected on the face and to analyze people frequently. Once you’ve learned this kind of process and you’ve started to specialize, you can quickly see if you’re lying to people by looking at their faces. Let’s give a few examples. The other person tells you that you are happy, or laughs, but how can you tell if this is true?
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